Cruising News and Announcements

2024 Cruise Schedule Update

Statement Regarding Cruise Cancellations Due to LaSalle Causeway Construction
April 30, 2024

Kingston, ON:  Canadian-based small ship operator St. Lawrence Cruise Lines has been forced to cancel the first two cruises of their 2024 cruise schedule due to ongoing construction delays to the LaSalle Causeway in the company’s home port of Kingston, Ontario.

The bridge construction, which was initially scheduled to be completed by May 1st, is currently being delayed and the inability to raise the bridge is impeding the transit of multiple vessels from the Cataraqui River to the St. Lawrence River. This includes St. Lawrence Cruise Lines’ sole vessel the CANADIAN EMPRESS, which is currently moored at Kingston Marina.

The bridge construction project is overseen by Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), and the federal ministry has thus far been unable to offer a timeline for the bridge repair or a solution for a number of Kingston marine businesses affected by the construction delays.

“This is an extremely challenging situation for marine businesses in the region and the impact on everyone involved will be significant and damaging unless PSPC commits to a timely plan to allow all vessels access to the St. Lawrence River.” said President Jason Clark.

Kingston marine businesses have met with PSPC and offered up some potential solutions to the construction impediment, including the temporary removal of the smaller fixed eastern span of the crossing in order to allow ships to access the St. Lawrence River.

“We have pressed this issue through conversations with a number of government officials. There have been no plans shared with us and no timeline provided. As a result of the unknown status of the opening of the navigation season, we have been forced to cancel our first two cruises from May 12-16 and May 16-23.”

There are no other cruise cancellations planned at this time, and St. Lawrence Cruise Lines will continue to press government representatives for a timeline for normal operations.

“Frankly, our passengers deserve more information than we are able to give them right now and so do our staff. Everyone is eager and ready to begin the cruise season except for PSPC and that is a shame.” said Clark


St. Lawrence Cruise Lines is a Kingston-owned business operating on the St. Lawrence River since 1981.

For more information, please contact:
Jason Clark, President